[PDF Download] 65 Memory Prompts: How to Write Your Biography, Life Story or Memoir

Unlock all your forgotten memories with our handy prompts!

Capture memories you didn't know you had 

Wondering how to write your biography? Whether you are writing yourself, or working with a ghostwriter, it can be hard to know where to start and what to include. At Story Terrace, we often use memory prompts to kick-start the process - easy and fun questions designed to jog your memory and bring back moments you haven't thought about for years.

It's the perfect first step, and something you can later assemble into a timeline or structure for your story. We’ve hand-picked 65 of our favourite memory prompts to share with you. You can check out 9 example prompts right here on the blog - but make sure to download the full list of 65, which we've assembled into a print-ready PDF for you.

Remember - the idea is not to answer every question. Just scan through the list, and think about which of these prompts speak to you the most. You’ll soon find you have more than enough to talk about.

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How to Write Your Biography: Childhood

1. What is your earliest memory?

2. Talk about your family’s heritage and history.

3. What did your childhood home look like?


How to Write Your Biography: Adolescence

4. How did your physical appearance change in your teenage years? What was that change like for you?

5. How was your relationship with your parents?

6. Who was your first crush?


How to Write Your Biography: Adulthood

7. What did an ordinary day in your life look like?

8. Name a big success story for you during this time

9. Did you travel? What was your most memorable vacation?

Hopefully writing your biography just got a little easier and these prompts have got your brains in gear, recalling all sorts of different memories from your childhood all the way through to just yesterday!

Remember to download the full list for all 65 questions to jog your memory.

Next up: Creating a Timeline for Your Life Story 

Download the full list of 65 Memory Prompts!

Written by Sarah Evans

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